Every $3,500 invested equals 1% of profits that the film generates. An official investment contract will be sent out to you via email. only 40 available buys.
Get your music featured in a horror film. This perk is $500 There are only 3 available buys.
We will script your product into the film, great advertising opportunity. This perk is $1,000 There are only 5 available buys
Get you name listed in the credits as an Associate Producer and get an IMDB credit. This Perk is $300. There are only 15 available buys.
Be murdered in the film, and get your credit listed on IMDB. This perk is $1500.

Synopsis: Demented 2 is a direct sequel to the original film that goes deep into the mind of both the victims and the killer.

Stars: Dakota House, Felissa Rose, Bret “Hitman” Hart, Angelina Love, Cheyenne Ennis, Barry J. Gillis

Producers: Nigel Hartwell

Writer/Director: Nigel Hartwell

Format: 4K

Genre: Horror, Thriller, Supernatural

Completed: 2020

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